Writing has always appealed to me. I’ve written in a variety of styles throughout my life – from fiction to academic mediums and many others in between. News writing is the most recent of my authorial passions and was the focus of my master’s studies. Click the “Journalism” button below to explore my reporting portfolio.

I discovered grant writing when I was a VISTA volunteer, serving in a remote, rural town: Thorne Bay, Alaska. Tasked with building capacity for Thorne Bay’s public library, I determined early on that fundraising would be one of the most impactful avenues of my service. Click the “Grants” button below to explore my grant writing portfolio.

Giving back – it’s what I’m about. I traveled to six states through my involvement with AmeriCorps, engaging in a variety of community service projects along the way. From housing rehabilitation and care for the disabled to program development and volunteer recruitment and training, my service has broadened my worldview and continues to inspire me to contribute to social progress. Click the “Service” button below to explore my service portfolio.

They say an education will set you free… and likewise, to “use your education to change the world.” My bachelor’s studies in English and Art History gave me footing in the humanities and fine arts, tuning me to the collective human spirit and inspiring me to advocate for others. My master’s studies in Communication deepened these sensitivities and allowed me to build on old skills while acquiring a swath of others. My educational background is the foundation of my activism. Click the “Academia” button to explore my academic portfolio.